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Английский язык

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Education in Britain (топик на английском)   


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"Великобритания" - все топики.


Schools in Britain are of two types: free state schools and public schools, which are for money. There are four kinds of state schools: county schools, voluntary schools, special schools and self-governing schools.
About 93 per cent of pupils in Great Britain get free education while the others go to public schools. Compulsory education begins at the age of five in Britain and at the age of four in Northern Ireland, when children go to infant schools. At the age of seven many children go to junior schools. Some pupils attend comprehensive schools or grammar schools, to which they are sent after exams at the age of eleven.
About 7 per cent of schoolchildren attend independent schools. Independent schools range from small kindergartens to large day and boarding schools. Preparatory schools prepare children for going to senior school. Some independent schools are religious.
The National Curriculum consists of major subjects, which are compulsory for 5 to 16-year-olds. In England the major subjects of the Curriculum are English, mathematics and science, and the basic subjects are technology (design, technology and information technology), history, geography, music, art, physical education and, for secondary school pupils, a foreign language.
About 67 per cent of pupils continue to study after the age of 16. Education after 16 is divided into further and higher education. After the state exams pupils can stay at school or study in a further education college. Most post-school education is provided at universities, polytechnics, colleges of further or higher education, adult education centres or specialized colleges.
There are about 90 universities in Britain, of which one, Buckingham, is private, and one, the Open University (OU) is open to students of any age. Most of them are employed people who study in their free time. They get education through radio and television, in classes at local centres and at summer schools.
The biggest universities are Cambridge, Oxford and London University. British universities are rather small; the approximate number of students is about 7-8 thousand people. London and Oxford universities are international: people from all over the world come to study there. A number of well-known scientists and writers, such as Newton, Darvin, Byron studied in Cambridge.

approximate [a'proksimitWrnba] приблизительное
number число
basic ['beisik] основной
be divided [di'vaidid] делиться
be provided [pra'vaidid] обеспечиваться
boarding school ['boidnjskui] школа-интернат
comprehensive school [kttmpn'hensrv] общеобразовательная школа
compulsory [,k3m'pAls(3)ri] обязательный
county school [kaunti ,sku:l] школа графства
employed [im'ploid] работающий
free education [lfri:ledju(:)keiJ(3)n] бесплатное обучение
free state school ['fiisteit.skiri] бесплатная государ¬ственная школа
further ['f3:63r3dju(:)- дальнейшее образо-
education keif(3)n] вание
higher ['hai3r3dju(:)- высшее образование
education keif(3)n]
independent school
['indapandant^kul] независимая школа
infant school ['mfant.skui] дошкольное учреждение
junior school ['d3u:nJ3,sku:l] младшие классы
major ['meid33] главный, основной
National ['naejanlka'rikjubm] государственная
Curriculum учебная программа
post-school ['p3ust,sku:l обучение
education ledju(:)keiJ(3)n] в аспирантуре
preparatory [pn'pcer3t(3)n,sku:l] подготовительная
school школа
public school ['pAblik.skui] частная школа для мальчиков
range [remd3] варьироваться
self-governing school
['selfgAvannjskul] автономная школа
senior school ['smja.skui] старшая школа
special school [lspef(3)llsku:l] специализированная школа
summer school ['sAm3,sku:l] летняя школа
take courses ['teikko:siz] ходить на курсы
voluntary [lvt)l3nt(3)nlsku:l] благотворительная
school школа

1. How many types of schools are there in Britain?
2. Do the British get free education?
3. What is the National Curriculum? What does it consist of?
4. Do young people continue to study after the age of 16? What are the possibilities for them?
5. Are there any universities in Britain? What are the biggest ones?




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Английский язык :

Правила произношения

Правила чтения

Грамматика англ. языка

Таблицы спряжения

Наиболее употребительные:

Слова TOP 2500

Неправ. глаголы 135

Фразовые глаголы 170

А также:

Разговорный язык

Редуцирован. формы

Англо-русские тексты

Французский яз.

Испанский язык

Немецкий язык

Другие языки

Учебные материалы и тематические ссылки по всем предметам и многое другое.
















































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