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                                                        Английский язык.

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Английский язык

1. Начальная школа

2. Средняя школа

3. ОГЭ - английский язык

4. ЕГЭ - английский язык

5. Топики по английскому языку

6. ГДЗ по английскому языку

7. Английский для детей

8. Учебные пособия, самоучители

9. Учебные пособия (на англ. языке)

10. Учебные сайты


Learning Foreign Languages (топик на английском)


Все топики.

"Английский язык" - все топики.


There are many languages in the world. Some of them are spoken in small tribes, others are spread all over the world like English or French.
There are languages that are extremely difficult to learn, others are very easy. But anyway learning a foreign language is not an easy task and it takes a lot of time and effort.
People still learn foreign languages and there are some reasons for that. The most important is communication. More and more people travel abroad and the knowledge of a foreign language helps them understand each other. There are also a lot of interesting books and magazines in foreign languages and people read them to get various information.
If you want to get a good job, you will have to know one or several foreign languages. This is another reason for learning foreign languages. There are languages of international communication and they are English and French.
The English language is the official language of many international organizations such as the Olympic Committee, the United Nations and others. This is the language of computing, too. Most Internet sites and software are in English. It is the native language of many countries such as Great Britain, the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and others.
A lot of scientific books and articles are published in English. This language is becoming more and more popular and now it is hard to live without knowing it. Moreover, many languages borrow English words and expressions and people use them in their everyday speech. Sometimes people think that English is the most spoken language in the world. However, Chinese is considered to be the most spoken language. The Chinese language together with Japanese and Arabic are believed to be the most difficult foreign languages!
I learn English at school. I am very glad that I have such an opportunity. Every week we have tests, do exercises and write compositions. We also talk at our lessons a lot. This helps me to improve my English. Now I can read books in English, watch films in English and speak English with foreigners. I am thinking about choosing English as my future career because I am very good at this language.
I would also like to learn German if I had a chance.

spread [spred] распространенный
borrow [Ъюгэи] заимствовать
effort ['efat] усилие
expression [iks'prej(3)n] выражение
have a chance [tfa:ns] иметь шанс
improve [im'pru:v] улучшать
international [ийэ'пагГэгйкэ- международное
communication mju:ni'keif(3)n] общение
Olympic Committee [au'limpikka'miti] Олимпийский комитет
software ['sttftwea] компьютерная программа
tribe [traib] племя
United Nations ['ju'naitid'neif^nz] ООН
various [Veanas] разнообразный

1. Why do people learn foreign languages?
2. Is role of English big in our world? Why (not)?
3. Why do you learn English? Do you like the language? Why (not)?




1. Прослушать произношение слова и перевод на .  Направление перевода выберите один раз из списка, в дальнейшем оно сохранится. Для многократного повторения подводите стрелку мышки к выделенному слову в колонке слева.

2. Правила чтения слов смотрите здесь.

3. Подробный перевод в словаре Мультитран. (В часы перегрузок Интернета работает медленно, но словарь хороший.)







Английский язык :

Правила произношения

Правила чтения

Грамматика англ. языка

Таблицы спряжения

Наиболее употребительные:

Слова TOP 2500

Неправ. глаголы 135

Фразовые глаголы 170

А также:

Разговорный язык

Редуцирован. формы

Англо-русские тексты

Французский яз.

Испанский язык

Немецкий язык

Другие языки

Учебные материалы и тематические ссылки по всем предметам и многое другое.



























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