The problem of ecology is very important today, because we live
in a polluted world. People all over the world discuss
environmental protection, but they still continue to pollute
air, water and soil.
Plants and factories are being built near rivers and lakes. The
water is full of industrial waste and this kills animals,
insects and plants.
There are some organizations that were created to protect our
nature from pollution. The most famous organization is
Greenpeace. It protects animals from dying out. There are
special farms and organizations that help wild animals to
survive. People who work in such places feed animals and cure
There are several types of pollution: air pollution, water
pollution and soil pollution.
Air pollution is caused by different means of transport in big
cities. Our cities are full of smog because of heavy traffic and
people notice that it is hard to breathe there. Cars, buses and
planes are among the worst air polluters. Factories and plants
also pollute air pouring harmful gases and smoke into the air
and that causes lung diseases among people and does harm to our
health. Acid rains that appear because of air pollution damage
forests and soil.
Water pollution is another dangerous kind of pollution.
Factories and plants throw wastes into rivers and lakes making
them dirty. Animals die when they drink this water, people get
sick when they swim in it and eat fish that live there.
Soil pollution stops plants from growing and makes people sick
when they eat fruit and vegetables grown on polluted soil.
People also pollute soil by leaving litter on it. Forests are
full of used bottles, wrappers and cans. Such litter can be
found in rivers and lakes, too. Wild animals get sick and die
because of this.
Every day we throw away a lot of litter. However, we can use it
again, for example paper, cloth, glass, plastic, etc. Everybody
must know the three R's: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We can
reduce the usage of water and electricity. We should reuse
whatever we can, for example, plastic bags, paper, cans, glass
and bottles.
It is not possible to stop technological process, close
factories and plants. People need to invent new waste free
technologies that will not do harm to nature. There are new
inventions such as filters that make water and air clean. Some
factories and plants have started using these machines already
and this helps to prevent pollution. Special kinds of gasoline
for cars can help to reduce air pollution.
We must not ignore the problems of environmental pollution and
try to make everything possible to reduce if not stop it.
acid rain ['aesid^ein] кислотный дождь
appear [э'рю] появляться
breathe [bri:6] дышать
create [kn'eit] создавать
cure [kjua] лечить
die out ['dai,aut] вымирать
do harm [ha:m] наносить вред
environmental [mlvai3r(3)n'mentl- охрана окружающей
protection pr3'tekf(3)n] среды
gasoline ['gaesaulm] бензин
get sick [get'sik] заболевать
harmful gases ['ha:mM'g£esiz] вредные газы
heavy traffic ['hevi'traefik] интенсивное движение
industrial waste [in'dAstnal'weist] промышленные отходы
insect ['insakt] насекомое
invent [m'vent] изобретать
litter [hta] мусор
lung disease ['krjdi'zi:z] болезнь легких
pollute [pa'lut] загрязнять
pollution [рэ'1и:/(э)п] загрязнение
pour [po:] зд. выбрасывать
prevent [pn'vent] предупреждать
recycle [n'saikl] снова использовать
reduce [n'dju:s] уменьшать
reuse [n'ju:z] повторно использовать
smog [smt>g] смог, густой дым
survive [sa'varv] выживать
usage [ju:sid3] использование
wrapper ['гагрэ] обертка
1. Why is the problem of ecology important today?
2. What are the types of pollution? What can you say about each
of them?
3. Do you reduce, reuse and recycle litter? Why (not)?
4. What should people do to prevent pollution?
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