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Английский язык

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William Shakespeare (топик на английском)



William Shakespeare, the greatest dramatist and writer, was born in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1564. His father was a glover and his mother was the daughter of a famous farmer. Shakespeare went to grammar school, but he never entered any university. He is famous for his great tragedies including Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth and the best known love story in the world Romeo and Juliet.
Many well-known sayings come from his works, and Shakespeare also had a great influence on English literature and the language. His plays are studied by British schoolchildren as part of their school programme.
Shakespeare's works are known for their beautiful language and for the understanding of how people think and feel.

William Shakespeare also wrote poetry, including the sonnets. He worked as an actor and a playwright at the Globe Theatre in London, which has recently been rebuilt as a copy of the original theatre.
Shakespeare married once and had three children. After his death in 1616 his house in Stratford became a museum and now it is a popular place with tourists.

Shakespeare's plays were staged in many theatres and translated into numerous languages. They are still read and loved by many people.

be studied [,bi:'stAdid] изучаться
be translated [biitoens'leitid] быть переведенным
give birth ['дгу'Ьз:9] порождать
glover ['д1луэ] перчаточник
grammar school ['grsema.skui] школа грамматики
have an influence [haevan'infkrans] влиять
marry ['man] жениться
numerous ['nju:m(3)r3s] бесчисленный
play [plei] пьеса
playwright ['pleirait] драматург
poetry ['рэшгп] поэзия
saying ['senrj] поговорка
sonnet ['sttnit] сонет
stage [steid3] ставить (пьесу)
tragedy ['traed3idi] трагедия

1. Who is Britain famous for?
2. Who was William Shakespeare?
3. What can you tell about Shakespeare's early years and his family?
4. What did Shakespeare write? What are his works famous for?
5. Where did Shakespeare work? What was he?
6. When did the writer die?




1. Прослушать произношение слова и перевод на .  Направление перевода выберите один раз из списка, в дальнейшем оно сохранится. Для многократного повторения подводите стрелку мышки к выделенному слову в колонке слева.

2. Правила чтения слов смотрите здесь.

3. Подробный перевод в словаре Мультитран. (В часы перегрузок Интернета работает медленно, но словарь хороший.)







Английский язык :

Правила произношения

Правила чтения

Грамматика англ. языка

Таблицы спряжения

Наиболее употребительные:

Слова TOP 2500

Неправ. глаголы 135

Фразовые глаголы 170

А также:

Разговорный язык

Редуцирован. формы

Англо-русские тексты

Французский яз.

Испанский язык

Немецкий язык

Другие языки

Учебные материалы и тематические ссылки по всем предметам и многое другое.























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