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Английский язык

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3. ОГЭ - английский язык

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5. Топики по английскому языку

6. ГДЗ по английскому языку

7. Английский для детей

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9. Учебные пособия (на англ. языке)

10. Учебные сайты


Family Matters (топик по английскому)


Все топики.

"О себе" - все топики.


Family Matters
I want to tell you about my family.
My family is rather big. I have got a mother, a father, an elder sister, a grandfather and a grandmother.
My mother's name is Irina. She is a teacher of English in one of Moscow schools. She is a very good specialist and has achieved a lot in her profession. My mother likes sewing and reading fashion magazines. I am always ready to help her with house chores, because I know that teaching profession is very difficult and I should make sure that my mother has some free time after the school.
My father's name is Alexei. He is a wonderful designer. He works for a big publishing house. I love looking at his works! Sometimes I give him advice on the colours or pictures and he appreciates my opinion. My father is also very good at composing music. It is so interesting to watch him writing music.
My elder sister's name is Elena. She is a student of the 4th year at Moscow Financial University. Elena is going to be an accountant. Sometimes she helps me with my Maths homework when she has time, but she says that I must study myself to achieve good results in future. My sister likes going to a gym and she keeps fit.
My grandparents, Vera and Vladimir, live in a separate flat. They do not work now, because they are retired. My grandmother used to work as an engineer at a big car factory and my grandfather is a professor: he used to teach students at Moscow State University. He is a specialist in Russian history and culture. Sometimes he still writes articles for specialised journals and he knows so many interesting things! Every week I go to visit them and always help them with shopping.
I love my family and I am so happy that we are all together!

1. Вступление. Рассказать в общем о своей семье (big/not very big/small; a mother/a father/a sister/a brother/grandparents, etc.).
2. Рассказать о каждом члене семьи по следующей схеме: name, age, occupation, hobbies, qualities of character, etc.
3. Заключение (I love my family and I am so happy that we are all together!).

1. What is your name?
2. What is your surname?
3. Where are you from?
4. Do you have a family? Is it big?
5. Are you a pupil? What form are you in?
6. What do you like doing in your free time?
7. What's your mother's name?
8. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
9. What are their names?
10. What's your father's name?
11. Do you have a grandfather or grandmother?
12. How old are they?
13. Do you have any uncles or aunts?
14. How many cousins have you got?
15. What are their names?
16. Are they older than you?
17. How old are they?
18. Are they boys or girls?
19. Where do your cousins live?
20. Where do your grandparents live?
21. What does your father do?
22. Where does your mother work?
23. Does your father have a car?
24. What kind of car is it?
25. What does your brother do?
26. What about your sisters? What do they do?
27. Do you live in a house or in a flat?
28. Do you have your own room?
29. Does your brother or sister have his/her own room?
30. What do you have in your room?
31. Can you describe your house or flat?
32. Do you have a garden or a balcony?
33. Have you got a pet?
34. What kind of pet have you got?
35. What's its name?
36. How old is it?
37. How do you get on with your brother/sister?
38. Do you go to the same school as your brother/sister?
39. Do your grandparents live with you?
40. Do you have a great-grandfather/grandmother?

wife жена
husband муж
Parents Родители
mother мать
stepmother мачеха
father отец
stepfather отчим
Children Дети
daughter дочь
son сын
sister сестра
brother брат
baby малыш
stepson пасынок
stepdaughter падчерица
Grandparents Бабушки и дедушки
grandmother бабушка
grandfather дедушка
grandchildren внуки
granddaughter внучка
grandson внук
Other relatives Другие родственники
aunt тётя
uncle дядя
niece племянница
nephew племянник
cousin двоюродный(-ая) брат/сестра
mother-in-law тёща/свекровь
father-in-law тесть/свёкор
son-in-law зять (муж дочери)
brother-in-law . зять (муж сестры), шурин (брат
жены), деверь (брат мужа), свояк (муж свояченицы)
daughter-in-law жена сына, невестка, сноха
невестка (жена брата); золовка;
sister-in-law свояченица
Types of houses/flats Типы домов/квартир
(3)-room flat/apartment (AmE) (трёх)комнатная квартира
block of flats многоквартирный дом
condo (condominium AmE) кооперативный дом/квартира
cottage коттедж, загородный дом
detached house особняк, дача
houseboat плавучий дом
loft лофт (квартира открытой планировки, расположенная в бывшем индустриальном здании)
penthouse flat фешенебельная квартира обычно на крыше высотного здания
semi-detached house дом из двух квартир, имеющих
общую стену
studio квартира-студия
terraced-house таунхаус
villa вилла
Parts of houses/flats Части дома/квартиры
bathroom ванная комната
bedroom спальня
dining room столовая
garage гараж
hall коридор, холл
kitchen кухня
kitchen garden огород
living room гостиная
study кабинет





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2. Правила чтения слов смотрите здесь.

3. Подробный перевод в словаре Мультитран. (В часы перегрузок Интернета работает медленно, но словарь хороший.)







Английский язык :

Правила произношения

Правила чтения

Грамматика англ. языка

Таблицы спряжения

Наиболее употребительные:

Слова TOP 2500

Неправ. глаголы 135

Фразовые глаголы 170

А также:

Разговорный язык

Редуцирован. формы

Англо-русские тексты

Французский яз.

Испанский язык

Немецкий язык

Другие языки

Учебные материалы и тематические ссылки по всем предметам и многое другое.


































































































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